
At North Star 180°, we work from a rich and diverse curriculum that provides an effective and enjoyable education.


At North Star 180°, we are focussing on the basics whilst, at the same time, developing more creative ways for our young people to learn. As well as this, through our delivery of RE, we aim to build an ethos of understanding, acceptance and respect for differing beliefs and cultures.

 Throughout their time at North Star 180°, your child will learn about the main religions in the United Kingdom: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Hinduism. The festivals and the deeper meanings behind them.

Important dates

Our early years and key stage one learners will be exploring topics such as;
  • Ourselves
  • Friends, family and communication
  • Special places, festivals and celebrations
  • Life of Jesus – special books
  • Rules and choices
  • The world around us
Key stage two learners will be learning about;
  • Ourselves
  • Identity and belonging (including Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam)
  • Questions & mysteries
  • Expressions & beliefs
  • Life stories – inspirational people
  • Journeys

Through our topics covered in class and our Whole School Assemblies on a Monday, we celebrate many religious festivals. The festivals that your child will celebrate are listed below:


1st – New Year (Christianity)

19th – World Religions Day (All Religions)


25th – 26th – Shrove Tuesday/Lent (Christianity)


10th – Holi (Hinduism)

10th – Hula Mohalla (Sikhism)

22nd – Mothering Sunday (Christianity)


5th – Palm Sunday (Christianity)

8th – Passover (Judaism)

12th – Easter (Christianity)

23rd – St George’s Day (Christianity)

24th – Ramadan (Islam)


21st – Ascensions Day (Christianity)

24th – Eid (Islam)

29th – Shavout (Judaism)


23rd – Rath Yatra (Hinduism)


24th – Chokor (Buddhism)

28th – Hajj (Islam)


3rd – Raksha Bandhan (Hinduism)

22nd – Islamic New Year 1438 (Islam)


27th – Harvest (Christianity)


2nd – Sukkot (Judaism)

29th – The Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (Islam)

31st – All Hallows Eve (Christianity)


14th – Diwali (Hinduism & Sikhism)

29th – Advent (Christianity)


10th – Hanukka (Judaism)

20th – Christingle (Christianity)

25th – Christmas (Christianity)

31st – New Year’s Eve (Christianity)

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