Parents and Carers

School news and blog, updates on events and dates, and supportive information for parents and carers. 

Important Information


MAT News

Information and Support for Home

Childcare needs

Bristol City Council would like to know if your wrap around childcare (before or after school) is meeting your needs. Please complete this quick survey.

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Internet Safety

Internet Safety – please click the links for useful information to keep your family safe online. Top Tips for Parents and Carers

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Starting a new School

Please find below useful links from School Health Nurse in relation to your child starting primary/secondary school Is your child starting primary school in September

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Living with Covid

Dear Parent/Carers As you will be aware, the government has announced the “living with Covid” plan and so Iam writing to you to clarify what

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Events & Fundraising

School Council Minutes

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The next North Star 82 prospective parent tour will be on Wednesday the 6th of December 2023. Please contact the school office on 0117 3772175 to book.