Dear Parent/Carers

As you will be aware, the government has announced the “living with Covid” plan and so I
am writing to you to clarify what this means for North Star 82°.

The recommendation is that staff (and secondary age students) in special schools continue
to test twice a week with a lateral flow test.

If a student or staff member has symptoms then the recommendation is that they stay at
home and arrange to have a PCR test and so we are asking that if this is the case then you
do not send your child to school.

If a student or staff member tests positive on a lateral flow test or a PCR test then the
recommendation is that they stay at home and isolate for a minimum of 6 days. After 5
days, if they no longer have symptoms then they should take a lateral flow tests 24 hours
apart. Test should be repeated like this until there are two negative tests in a row. After a
second negative test they can return to school.

Children who have a family member with Covid-19 should continue to come to school unless
they have symptoms. Previous guidance suggested family members should take daily lateral
flow tests for 7 days. You might want to continue to do this.

Lateral flow tests are still freely available and this is being reviewed on 31st March. We have
been informed that they can still be ordered online but that some limitations on ordering
have been put in place. They should also still be available from pharmacies.

Once again, I would like to thank you for your continued support.

Yours Sincerely

Wendy Yeo


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